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작 성 자 강민희 팀장
Date : 2016/11/11 | Hits : 10356
한국 유학생들이 겪고 있는 어려움중에 하나가 모국어가 아닌 영어로 논문을 작성하는데 있어서 추론 능력이나 종합 사고 능력이 절대적으로 중요한 논문 작성 과정에서 현지 LOCAL 학생들에 비해 불이익을 받고 있으며 이에 따라 논문이나 학술분야 자체에 대한 전문성이나 지식을 갖추고 있음에도 불구하고 논문 작성 요령이나 현지 교수들과의 소통 부족으로 FAIL을 당해 금전적 정신적으로 피해를 입고 학업을 중단 하는 경우까지 생기고 있다. 토탈에세이는 이런 유학생들에게 보다 체계적이고 구체적인 논문 작성 요령과 추론방법 및 방법론 제시 그리고 전문성 있는 Resource를 제공하여 선행 연구를 바탕으로 논문을 효율적으로 작성할 수 있도록 현지 출신 Ph.D.의 조언과 논문 작성 컨설턴트의 획기적인 조언 및 가이드를 제공하고 있다. 보다 전문적인 자료 및 논문 전체에 대한 탄탄한 구성력 탑재 그리고 전문적이고 체계적인 논문 컨설팅 프로그램을 제작하여 유학생들이 논문 작성 및 연구에 있어 불이익을 받지 않도록 24시간 핫라인을 운영하고 있다. 토탈에세이 논문 컨설팅 팀은 아이비리그 출신 및 영국 5대 명문대 출신 Ph.D. 와 전현직 논문 사정관들로 이루어져 있으며 각종 저널 및 SCI급 투고 저널등을 수백편 컨설팅한 10년이상의 노하우를 갖고 있는 컨설턴트를 보유하고 있다. For students who need technical assistance to complete their dissertation or thesis, we offer outstanding dissertation and thesis consulting services in the following areas. Our dissertation consultants are faculty or former faculty at major top-class universities. These consultants act in an advising and mentoring role guiding you to successfully select a topic, and develop and carry out a sound dissertation or thesis study. They are experts in developing a dissertation topic, writing; research design, methodology, developmental editing, statistical analysis, and qualitative analysis. We offer the following consulting services: Topic Selection: Help you identify a topic that is interesting, makes a contribution to your field, is appropriate in scope for a dissertation/thesis-level project, and if relevant manageable within a prescribed time frame. Concept Papers and Proposal Writing: Provide guidance and direction to you as you develop and write your concept paper and/or proposal. Help you develop hypotheses that will be testable within the scope of the study or a solid overview of the dissertation/thesis and the chapters that will be written as relevant. Literature Reviews and Problem Statements: Guide you to develop an approach to review the literature, including searching, selecting, summarizing, critically evaluating, and conceptualizing it into a coherent framework. Help you present the literature in a way that tells a clear story and provides a solid background for research questions or a central argument. Work with you to establish a sound conceptual basis for the project, based on existing research findings or knowledge. Provide sound guidance to you as you develop your problem statement. Methodology: Assist you with developing measurable and appropriate research (or evaluation) questions and hypotheses. Help you design a methodologically sound study, including identifying participants, sampling methods, appropriate measures and data collection plans and procedures, and guide the writing of the Methods Section. Data Collection and Management: Guide you in navigating human subjects approval. Help you understand and solve problems or address issues that arise in collecting data or identifying source material. Assist in setting up a database for data entry, guiding data entry and inspection/cleaning. Instrument Development and Evaluation: Help with all aspects of scale development, including appropriately wording items, analysis of psychometric properties of the measure, and identifying and discarding weak items. Quantitative Data Analysis: These services are described on our Statistics page. Qualitative Data Analysis: Provide you with guidance designing qualitative studies, data coding and analysis, including studies using a mixed-methodology. Guide you to conduct effective interviews, identify a theoretical orientation for qualitative data analysis, enhance the credibility and reliability of your research findings, interpret your findings, and write your results and conclusions. Common approaches to data analysis we suggest are grounded theory, phenomenology, ethnography, and narrative. Discussion: Assist you to interpret your findings in light of hypotheses and existing literature, proposing alternative explanations, limitations, and future implications. Developmental Editing: Provide an in-depth review of your writing and edit your manuscript for content, style, tone, clarity, level of detail, organization, grammar and punctuation. Edit to ensure that study concepts are adequately developed, tables and figures are used appropriately, and that the story you want to tell comes across clearly. Guide you to rewrite awkward passages and cue you as to where new written material is needed. Offer comments and suggestions to make sure that your document follows a clear path from your thesis statement to your conclusion. Guide you with the use of APA style or other writing-style requirements and the use of appropriate citation style. Developmental editing is conducted in close consultation with you and may require more than one round of editing, as clients may need to add additional materials and make clarifications with the consultant.
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