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제      목 2012 Harvard School of Business School Packages PRICE
작 성 자 Consultant: HBS
Date : 2011/06/14 | Hits : 3436
 You want the critical skills and knowledge offered by a top MBA program. You also crave the challenge of testing, sharpening, and refining your actual thought process under the most rigorous circumstances. With its featured case method, professors in the vanguard of their industries and functions, and accomplished, confident students, it’s no wonder that Harvard is your first choice for a business school. Yet you know that Harvard offers these and other enticing resources to a frustratingly small percentage of those who seek them – and those in that select group have all shown through their application a compelling track record of leadership, not just at work, but also in their communities and at school. To compete, you too have to show that, not only can you lead, but that you are a special and uniquely valuable leader.

The challenge for you as a Harvard MBA applicant is to reveal what is distinctive and special about your leadership. Moreover, you must delineate this leadership in the “multiple dimensions” required in the Harvard MBA application, with its demanding requirements. How do you select the right experiences to present yourself as a leader with character? How do you weave examples of your exceptional leadership strength in one area with less immediately obvious examples of leadership in other areas? Not easy…unless you let our professionals guide you! With the Harvard Essay Package, one of our experienced admissions specialists will guide you through all of Harvard’s essays, from conceptualization through final editing, as you create a compelling portrait of yourself as a clear-thinking leader with concrete, identifiable impact. The Harvard Essay Package includes:

Wide-ranging consultation on overall application strategy.
Brainstorming, outline, and editing of four required essays.

We help you write essays that collectively present an impressive and comprehensive picture of you as a competitive candidate for the Harvard MBA program, and that individually answer each question. Designed to reveal your unique and compelling leadership character, your responses to the essay questions will provide the Harvard MBA adcom with a thorough understanding of your goals and values.


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