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제      목 2011 US NEWS Best Business Schools
작 성 자 totalgroup
Date : 2011/11/06 | Hits : 4312
Rank  College name 
#1  Stanford University
Stanford, CA
#2  Harvard University
Boston, MA
#3  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan)
Cambridge, MA
#3  University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)
Philadelphia, PA
#5  Northwestern University (Kellogg)
Evanston, IL
#5  University of Chicago (Booth)
Chicago, IL
#7  Dartmouth College (Tuck)
Hanover, NH
#7  University of California--Berkeley (Haas)
Berkeley, CA
#9  Columbia University
New York, NY
#10  New York University (Stern)
New York, NY
#10  Yale University
New Haven, CT
#12  Duke University (Fuqua)
Durham, NC
#13  University of Virginia (Darden)
Charlottesville, VA
#14  University of California--Los Angeles (Anderson)
Los Angeles, CA
#14  University of Michigan--Ann Arbor (Ross)
Ann Arbor, MI
#16  Cornell University (Johnson)
Ithaca, NY
#17  University of Texas--Austin (McCombs)
Austin, TX
#18  Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper)
Pittsburgh, PA
#19  University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler)
Chapel Hill, NC
#20  Washington University in St. Louis (Olin)
St. Louis, MO
#21  University of Minnesota--Twin Cities (Carlson)
Minneapolis, MN
#21  University of Southern California (Marshall)
Los Angeles, CA
#23  Emory University (Goizueta)
Atlanta, GA
#23  Indiana University--Bloomington (Kelley)
Bloomington, IN
#25  Georgetown University (McDonough)
Washington, DC
#25  Ohio State University (Fisher)
Columbus, OH
#27  Arizona State University (Carey)
Tempe, AZ
#28  Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA
#28  University of California--Davis
Davis, CA
#28  University of Wisconsin--Madison
Madison, WI
#28  Vanderbilt University (Owen)
Nashville, TN
#32  Brigham Young University (Marriott)
Provo, UT
#32  Texas A&M University--College Station (Mays)
College Station, TX
#34  Boston College (Carroll)
Chestnut Hill, MA
#34  Boston University
Boston, MA
#34  Rice University (Jones)
Houston, TX
#37  University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign
Champaign, IL
#37  University of Notre Dame (Mendoza)
Notre Dame, IN
#37  University of Washington (Foster)
Seattle, WA
#40  Pennsylvania State University--University Park (Smeal)
University Park, PA
#40  Tulane University (Freeman)
New Orleans, LA
#40  University of California--Irvine (Merage)
Irvine, CA
#40  University of Iowa (Tippie)
Iowa City, IA
#40  University of Texas--Dallas
Richardson, TX
#45  University of Maryland--College Park (Smith)
College Park, MD
#45  University of Rochester (Simon)
Rochester, NY&
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